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Wearing a mask will also help protect others if you are infected with the virus, whether or not you have symptoms.

In areas where there is community transmission of COVID-19, you should wear a face mask when visiting busy places like shopping centres or markets, on public transport or in any areas where it is difficult to keep 1.5 metres away from other people.

KN95, KF95, N95 and 3 ply masks provide you with the most effective protection against viruses, bacteria, dust and pollen. v-safe is thrilled to announce that all the four types of masks are available with us.

While a cloth mask provides a decent protection against bacteria, dust and pollen, it has limited use keeping viruses out.

A sponge mask is more of a fashion accessory with limited protection.

Face masks are recommended for use in the community in many countries to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Your best protection is still to keep 1.5 metres away from other people, to clean your hands thoroughly and regularly with alcohol-based hand rub (made up of over 60% alcohol or 70% isopropanol) or soap and water, and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze with your elbow, or a tissue.

Face masks are helpful in containing droplets when people cough or sneeze, reducing the likelihood of spreading the virus. For the community, both cloth masks and surgical masks are effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19.

You can purchase cloth masks or surgical masks from chemists, hardware stores and other shops or online, or you can make your own.

You cannot re-use surgical masks.

Don’t re-use the same mask to go home that you used on the trip to work. Throw used surgical masks in the bin or store used cloth masks in a plastic bag until you can wash them.

Face shields may be easier to wear for some people. If face shields are used, ensure they cover your mouth, nose, the sides of your face and below your chin. Reusable face shields should be cleaned and disinfected after each use. Disposable face shields should only be worn once, and thrown in the bin.